Gambling - Fixed Odds Betting Terminals - update

11 Jun

The House of Commons Library has today issued a briefing paper on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs) for the benefit of MPs and sets out details of the perceived ‘issues around such machines, previous consultations, betting industry initiatives and possible ways forward.

The Gambling Act 2005 classified FOBTs as B2 gaming machines.  Up to four machines can normally be sited on betting premises. The maximum stake of a single prize is £100 (in multiples of 10). The maximum prize is £500.

In June 2015, the Government indicated that it was working with the Gambling Commission and industry to ensure that the Player Protection Measures introduced from April 2015 were ‘effectively evaluated’. 

Clause 45 of the Scotland Bill 2015 -16 would devolve legislative confidence in respect of gaming machines authorised by a Betting Premises Licence where the maximum charge for a single player is more than £10. This would apply to category B2 machines.

On 3rd June 2015, a Private Members Bill was introduced into the House of Lords, the effective of which, if passed, would reduce the maximum individual charge for a single player on a B2 machine from £100 to £2.

The briefing paper can be found here. 

Law correct at the date of publication.
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